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PUMA Segway by Michael Ditullo

The Segway and General Motors have redesigned the PUMA or Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility project and the outcome is a more unique and functional urban commuting vehicle with great outlook and features. It features an innovative horizontal design that provides complete comfort and safety to the rider. Several bone lines forming of the vehicle leads the eye from front to back instead of top to bottom and runs smoothly closer to the ground. The distinctive details of this two-seater vehicle connect with the passengers more emotionally and the compactness of the car will allow it to run through busy urban traffic.

Nissan Land Glider with Innovative Computer Controlled Steering System

The Nissan Land Glider is a compact electric vehicle concept that features an innovative computer controlled steering system, allowing the car lean into the turns for better balance. The driver seat is placed centrally inside the narrow cabin of this two-seater car and another seat for the passenger is located directly behind the driver’s seat. The steering wheel has been designed like a flight yoke and cameras and monitors have replaced the rear view mirrors. The dashboard is one more thing of the car that you have never seen in any other cars. With the potentially lighter weight and narrow profile, this electric car is being expected to hit the crowd soon.

Audi has envisioned two vehicles for the future generations who will born into a complete digital environment with autonomy far away from today’s vision.

Audi eSpira: The Aspiration – This is the most uncompromised form of Audi, acts as an extension of the driver’s body. It utilizes next generation automobile control logic to transform the driver’s every movements and gestures into driving command.

Audi eOra: The Essence – This is an extremely efficient and dynamic sport vehicle that will be a dream of every young and adventurous individual in future. It uses the same control logic of eSpira and can carve the roadscape like a downhill skier with great

Audi eSpira and Audi eOra for Future Generations

EEL Three-Wheeler Lightweight Vehicle with Bio-ethanol Engine

eel electric vehicle with bioethanol engineThe EEL concept is a compact and lightweight vehicle that features functional aerodynamic construction for great energy efficiency. The compact shape of this three-wheeler allows it waving through busy traffic and in between other cars and houses only one passenger and the driver. When turning, it has been designed to lean to the particular direction allowing better control for the driver. This electric vehicle comprises bio-ethanol engine which is completely eco-friendly. When charging through a traditional power point, the covered scooter shaped vehicle looks much like a mobile phone getting charged through its charger.
eel electric vehicle with bioethanol engine

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