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A Childhood Passion Inspired Flavio Adriani To Imagine And Create A Lamborghini In An Eco-Friendly Way

lamborghini concept car4Flavio Adriani, the designer, created the Lamborghini Concept EV as a tribute to the man who changed everything about sportcars, Ferrucio Lamborghini. The design, the lines, the impact of the car derive from a beautiful, almost perfect combination of the Diablo and Gallardo. The concept is not just about passion for Lamborghini, it also is equipped with the latest technology regarding the drive train, pollution, energy saving and passenger safety. The car has an electric drive train, there are 4 electric engines in each of the 4 wheels. The energy this engine needs to operate is gathered with the solar panels placed over the engine compartment. These panels are V shaped, giving the car a more aggressive look, it’s like the whole car says: “Eat my dust!”. The designer also fitted a panel protecting passengers against low frequency radiation. This radiation comes from mobile phones, antennas and other wireless devices. These radiations have proven to be dangerous to human health bringing headaches, cancer and more.
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For Flavio Adriani, the greatest challenge designing this electric Lamborghini was, how to bring the amazing sound of the engine that has been removed. The solution he found are wind

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